30 second skim: Inside the NBA

The best sports broadcast show is going to Disney

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ESPN just got inside the NBA for 0 Dollars.

Yup that’s right.

WBD and ESPN came to a licensing agreement to trade Inside the NBA for 13 big 12 football games and 15 big 12 college basketball games. No money is being exchanged.

Further concluding that the demographic-crossing, collective experience of sports is more valuable than ever to networks because of the prison that steaming can be sometimes.

And it also shows where the two companies are at with their positions when it comes to sports broadcasting:

  • ESPN’s broadcast is fine but it was clearly second favorite. Countdown is gonna move to the number 2 slot to give way for Ernie and the team to cover the tentpole NBA games.

  • For WBD, they’re desperately trying to increase sports inventory ever since they bungled their media rights deal with the NBA.

College basketball and college football is not nothing, but it’s just another band aid for WBD until they can land another big media rights deal as some of these major league tv deals expire in the near future.

This is also great news for NBA fans since the crew is gonna be able to do finals gales now.

Have a great week!


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